Work Injury Treatment
in Maryland & Delaware

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Work Injury

Recover From Work Injury

Have you been told you need any of the following services?

  • Work Conditioning
  • Work Hardening
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • Ergonomic Evaluation
  • Job Analysis

Our team of physical therapists will get you back to work in no time.

Feature services

Workers’ Compensation

Innovative Healthcare Centers excels at workers’ compensation services that support the injured worker. We’ll coordinate care and communicate with all parties to help ensure a successful return to work.

From initial evaluation through case closure, we conduct thorough examinations that assess an individual’s physical and functional capabilities. 


  • Match dedicated therapists with patients based on their specific diagnosis

  • Ensure clear, concise, and consistent communication with all involved parties

  • Provide patients ergonomic education and biomechanical analysis to help minimize future risk of injury in the workplace

Workers' Compensation Services

  • Work Conditioning

  • Work Hardening

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations

  • Job Analysis

  • Ergonomic Evaluations

  • Work Injury Rehabilitation